• Red Honey Gourami 4cm

Honey Gouramis are shy, peaceful fish, which will appreciate an aquarium with a gentle flow rate and plenty of plant cover (including floating plants). They can be kept in community aquariums with other peaceful fish species, but do require a fair sized tank with numerous hiding places in order for the females to escape the amorous attentions of the males from time to time.

Synonyms Colisa chuna, Colisa sota, Trichogaster sota, Trichopodus chuna, Trichopodus sota
Distribution Bangladesh and India.
Maximum Size 5cm (2")
Temperature 18-28°C
Water Parameters Captive-raised specimens will acclimatise to a wide range of conditions. pH: 6.0-8.0, dH: 5-20 degrees.
Compatibility Community
Sexual Dimorphism Males more brightly coloured, with a yellow dorsal fin. Courting males develop a dark underside and throat. Females show a horizontal stripe.

Red Honey Gourami 4cm

  • Product Code: Gourami 8
  • Availability: 18
  • £4.50

  • 4 or more £4.25

Tags: Gourami