• Dwarf Aquatic Frog 2cm

The Congo Frog is also known as the African Dwarf Frog and is completely aquatic. It enjoys a well planted tank with peaceful tank mates. The Congo Frog is easy to keep providing that you can guarantee that it gets food.  It is a slow eater and will be bullied off the food in all but the most peaceful of tanks. The Congo Frog should not be mixed up with the clawed frog which is much bigger and will try to eat your fish.

Species – Dwarf Congo Frog – Hymenochirus boetgeri

Adult Length – 7cm

Temperature Range – 22 - 28°C

pH Range – 7.0 – 7.8

Dwarf Aquatic Frog 2cm

  • Product Code: Frog 1
  • Availability: 7
  • £2.65

  • 4 or more £2.50

Tags: shrimp-snail-inverts