• Whiptail Catfish XL

The  Whiptail catfish has a wide area of distribution and is found in the upper Amazon, middle Amazon (Solimões), the Rio Acre, Rio Purus, and Rio Nhamunda. This is a charming and delicate-looking loricariid that is ideally suited to a quiet, planted aquarium.

Synonyms Hemiloricaria lanceolata, Loricaria lanceolata
Distribution Upper Amazon River basin: Brazil and Peru.
Maximum Size 12.3cm (4.8")
Temperature 25-28°C
Water Parameters Will acclimatise to a wide range of conditions. pH: 6.0-7.8, dH: up to 20 degrees.
Compatibility Community
Sexual Dimorphism Mature males develop a covering of odontodes on the head and pectoral fins.

Whiptail Catfish XL

  • Product Code: Catfish 48
  • Availability: Out Of Stock
  • £14.00

Tags: Catfish