• Turkana Jewel Ccihlid 5-6cm

The Turkana Jewel Cichlid is known only from Lake Turkana (formerly Lake Rudolf) in Kenya, where it lives in hard, alkaline water.

Jewel Cichlids are pair-bonded substrate spawners. The water should be alkaline with the temperature set towards the higher end of the preferred range, and there should be plenty of flat rocks such as slate for the female to deposit her eggs on to. Once a pair has formed, compatibility is reinforced by having suitable tankmates to provide a focus for territorial aggression.

Synonyms Pelmatochromis exsul, Hemichromis exsul
Distribution Kenya: Lake Turkana
Maximum Size 7cm (2.8")
Temperature 23-27°C
Water Parameters pH: 7.0-8.0, KH: 6 to 20 degrees
Compatibility Specialist community
Sexual Dimorphism Males are larger than females and display blue spangling on body and fins. Females are more rounded with a less pronounced forehead.

Turkana Jewel Ccihlid 5-6cm

  • Product Code: African Cichlid 29
  • Availability: 2
  • £14.00

  • 2 or more £13.50

Tags: African Cichlid