• Panther Crabs 4-6cm

Panther crabs inhabit the warm, alkaline waters of Lake Matano where rocks, waterlogged wood and leaf-litter provide shelter. They seem to be entirely aquatic in the wild and most active at night.

Synonyms None
Distribution Lake Matano, Sulawesi
Maximum Size 10cm (4")
Temperature 26-30°C
Water Parameters Alkaline water essential. pH: 7.8-8.5, KH: up to 15 degrees
Compatibility Non-community
Sexual Dimorphism Can be sexed with accuracy by examining the underside. Females have a much wider, oval pleon (plastral flap), whereas male crabs have a narrow, pointed pleon.

Panther Crabs 4-6cm

  • Product Code: Inverts 6
  • Availability: Out Of Stock
  • £12.00

Tags: Inverts